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Item Alert comes at your help!

Have you ever lost your favorite tool while mining, fighting, fishing etc... and wondered about a way to avoid this?
A way to get you noticed that your favorite item is about to break?

Introducing..... ITEM ALERT

How the plugin works

Since there is, currently, no built-in way in Sponge to check when an Item got damaged, the plugin uses an asynchronous task to check the currently active items in both player's hands and armor slots. If one of those items are about to break, than the player will get notified about it. And that's it! Easy, right? 😁


Learn the available commands and how you and your players can use them!
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Learn what are the exposed permissions to determine which player can do what.
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Learn how to config the plugin
to set up some
global alerts.
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Item Alert use
Sponge API
Version 7.1.0
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  • /ia add <item> <durability> [alertType] - This command allows players to add their own alert for a specific Item Type when it's durability drops below the specified amount. For example, if the player wants to get notified when his/her Diamond Pickaxe drops below 50 durability, he/she can type /ia add minecraft:diamond_pickaxe 50. The alertType parameter is optional, and can be any of the AlertType values. The alert will run only for the player that types the command. This command is only available if the ALLOW_PLAYERS_OVERRIDE setting is set to true.
  • /ia remove <item> - This command allows players to disable an alert for a specific Item Type. For example, if a global alert is set for Elytra and a player doesn't want to get notified when his/her Elytra are about to break, he/she can type /ia remove minecraft:elytra. The alert will then be ignored just for that player, the global alert will still run. If the player want to disable all alerts, than he/she can use the word all as item parameter. This command is only available if the ALLOW_PLAYERS_OVERRIDE setting is set to true.
  • /ia default <operation> <args> - This commands allows any player that has the ITEM_ALERT_PERMISSION to add or remove a global alert that will run for any player on the server (unless they override it with the above commands). Operation can be add or remove, while args depends on the operation. If add is specified, than the arguments are the same as the /ia add command. If remove is specified, than the arguments are the same as the /ia remove command.
  • /ia reload - This command will reload the configuration from the disk, without restarting the server. This command is only available for players with the ITEM_ALERT_PERMISSION.
  • /ia help - This command allows any player to show their available commands. The commands list will be different if the player has the ITEM_ALERT_PERMISSION or not.


Alert Types define how an alert should be fired. By default the alert will be displayed in chat, however any alert can have it's own alert type. 

  • chat - This is the default one. When selected, a message will be sent to the player, with the following text: Your {item name} is breaking! [{durability} uses left] where {item name} is the name of the item and {durability} is the durability left of that item.
  • hotbar - Similar to how chat works, the message will be instead displayed above the hotbar.
  • sound - When selected, no message will appear in chat or above the hotbar. Instead, just a tool breaking sound will play.
  • sound_chat - This one combines the sound and chat types, so a sound will be played and a message will be sent to the player's chat.
  • sound_hotbar - This one combines the sound and hotbar types, so a sound will be played and a message will be shown above the hotbar.


  • ITEM_ALERT_PERMISSION - Set which permission a player must have to handle global alerts.
    By default the permission has the value of itemAlert.defaults, but you can set to any exiting permission you want in the config file.


  • item_alert_permission - The value for the ITEM_ALERT_PERMISSION. Default: itemAlert.defaults.
  • allow_players_override: If players are allowed to override the global alerts, defining their ows using the /ia add and /ia remove commands.
  • update_check - Contains some settings about the internal update checker. These settings are:
        - check: if the plugin should periodically check for updates. Default: true
        - time
    : number of time units the plugin should check for updates. Default: 1
        - unit: the time unit used to determine how often the plugin should check for updates.     Default: hours. Unit can be one of the following: nanoseconds, microseconds,     milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days

    So by default the plugin will check every hour if there is an update available.
  • alert_frequency - Contains settings about how often the plugin should check item durabilities for players. These settings are:
        - time: number of time units the plugin should check item durabilities. Default: 5
        - unit: the time unit used to determine how often the plugin should check item     durabilities.
    Default: seconds. Unit can be one of the following: nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days.

    So by default the plugin will check item durabilities every 5 seconds.
    The smaller the value, the better the checks will be.

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